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Get tips on using Notch 1 Antibody (A-8): sc-376403 to perform Immunohistochemistry Human - Notch1

Products Santa Cruz Biotechnology Notch 1 Antibody (A-8): sc-376403

Get tips on using Glut1 Antibody (A-4): sc-377228 to perform Western blotting GLUT1

Products Santa Cruz Biotechnology Glut1 Antibody (A-4): sc-377228

Get tips on using Smad1 Antibody (A-4): sc-7965 to perform Western blotting Smad1

Products Santa Cruz Biotechnology Smad1 Antibody (A-4): sc-7965

Get tips on using Rho A Antibody (26C4): sc-418 to perform Western blotting RhoA

Products Santa Cruz Biotechnology Rho A Antibody (26C4): sc-418

Get tips on using LowCell# ChIP kit protein A x16 to perform ChIP Human - HepG2

Products Diagenode LowCell# ChIP kit protein A x16

Get tips on using pFastBac1-A/reassortant/NYMC X-179-NP to perform Protein Expression Eukaryotic cells - S. frugiperda Influenza NP

Products Moo-Seung Lee, Department of Biomolecular Science, KRIBB School pFastBac1-A/reassortant/NYMC X-179-NP

The process of RNA extraction from bacteria, in general, involves an RNA-protective, effective lysis of bacterial cell wall (which may pose difficulties). EDTA promotes loss of outer membrane to provide lysozyme with access to peptidoglycan. Another common method for cell wall lysis is mechanical disruption using a homogenizer (applied for gram-positive bacteria and some strains of gram-negative bacteria). Following lysis, it is necessary to disrupt protein-nucleic acid interactions, which can be achieved by adding sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Next step involves using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction, where RNA can be obtained from the bottom organic phase, the top phase consists of DNA and the interphase contains proteins. Isoamyl alcohol is an inert and optional addition to this mixture and is added as an anti-foaming reagent to reduce the interphase. Following RNA extraction, the samples should be checked for its quality by gel electrophoresis (23S and 16S rRNAs and 5s rRNA and tRNA bands) or UV spectrophotometric or fluorescence methods.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Cells immortalized C-33 A

Protein expression refers to the techniques in which a protein of interest is synthesized, modified or regulated in cells. The blueprints for proteins are stored in DNA which is then transcribed to produce messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is then translated into protein. In prokaryotes, this process of mRNA translation occurs simultaneously with mRNA transcription. In eukaryotes, these two processes occur at separate times and in separate cellular regions (transcription in nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm). Recombinant protein expression utilizes cellular machinery to generate proteins, instead of chemical synthesis of proteins as it is very complex. Proteins produced from such DNA templates are called recombinant proteins and DNA templates are simple to construct. Recombinant protein expression involves transfecting cells with a DNA vector that contains the template. The cultured cells can then transcribe and translate the desired protein. The cells can be lysed to extract the expressed protein for subsequent purification. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein expression systems are widely used. The selection of the system depends on the type of protein, the requirements for functional activity and the desired yield. These expression systems include mammalian, insect, yeast, bacterial, algal and cell-free. Each of these has pros and cons. Mammalian expression systems can be used for transient or stable expression, with ultra high-yield protein expression. However, high yields are only possible in suspension cultures and more demanding culture conditions. Insect cultures are the same as mammalian, except that they can be used as both static and suspension cultures. These cultures also have demanding culture conditions and may also be time-consuming. Yeast cultures can produce eukaryotic proteins and are scalable, with minimum culture requirements. Yeast cultures may require growth culture optimization. Bacterial cultures are simple, scalable and low cost, but these may require protein-specific optimization and are not suitable for all mammalian proteins. Algal cultures are optimized for robust selection and expression, but these are less developed than other host platforms. Cell-free systems are open, free of any unnatural compounds, fast and simple. This system is, however, not optimal for scaling up.

Proteins Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells A. tumefaciens BFDV cp

Protein expression refers to the techniques in which a protein of interest is synthesized, modified or regulated in cells. The blueprints for proteins are stored in DNA which is then transcribed to produce messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is then translated into protein. In prokaryotes, this process of mRNA translation occurs simultaneously with mRNA transcription. In eukaryotes, these two processes occur at separate times and in separate cellular regions (transcription in nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm). Recombinant protein expression utilizes cellular machinery to generate proteins, instead of chemical synthesis of proteins as it is very complex. Proteins produced from such DNA templates are called recombinant proteins and DNA templates are simple to construct. Recombinant protein expression involves transfecting cells with a DNA vector that contains the template. The cultured cells can then transcribe and translate the desired protein. The cells can be lysed to extract the expressed protein for subsequent purification. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein expression systems are widely used. The selection of the system depends on the type of protein, the requirements for functional activity and the desired yield. These expression systems include mammalian, insect, yeast, bacterial, algal and cell-free. Each of these has pros and cons. Mammalian expression systems can be used for transient or stable expression, with ultra high-yield protein expression. However, high yields are only possible in suspension cultures and more demanding culture conditions. Insect cultures are the same as mammalian, except that they can be used as both static and suspension cultures. These cultures also have demanding culture conditions and may also be time-consuming. Yeast cultures can produce eukaryotic proteins and are scalable, with minimum culture requirements. Yeast cultures may require growth culture optimization. Bacterial cultures are simple, scalable and low cost, but these may require protein-specific optimization and are not suitable for all mammalian proteins. Algal cultures are optimized for robust selection and expression, but these are less developed than other host platforms. Cell-free systems are open, free of any unnatural compounds, fast and simple. This system is, however, not optimal for scaling up.

Proteins Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells A. tumefaciens ELP-intein

Get tips on using pPICZα A, B, & C Pichia Vectors to perform Protein expression and purification Yeast - Pichia pastoris hmPRα

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific pPICZα A, B, & C Pichia Vectors

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