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Get tips on using NucleoBond® RNA/DNA to perform DNA isolation / purification Cells - Primary cells Rat cortical neurons

Products Macherey Nagel NucleoBond® RNA/DNA

Get tips on using TRIzol Reagent to perform RNA isolation / purification Cells - primary rat cortical neurons

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific TRIzol Reagent

Get tips on using miRNeasy Micro Kit to perform RNA isolation / purification Cells - primary rat cortical neurons

Products Qiagen miRNeasy Micro Kit

RNA siRNA / RNAi /miRNA transfection Mouse Primary cortical and hippocampal cell

Get tips on using Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit to perform DNA isolation / purification Cells - Primary cells Rat cortical neurons

Products Promega Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit

Isolating DNA from tissues and paraffin-embedded tissue samples can be challenging as double-stranded DNA is physically fragile and highly susceptible to exo- and endonucleases. The best solution is to slice the tissues into smaller pieces and make a homogenate solution (using tissue homogenizer or grinding liquid nitrogen frozen samples) in the presence of DNAse inhibitors. Further, extracting DNA from the nucleus need specific methods by combining physical, mechanical and chemical lysis approaches,

DNA DNA isolation / purification Cells Immortalized cell lines Renal cortical tubule epithelial cells

When extracting nucleic acids from cell cultures, thorough homogenization of cells via vortexing in lysis buffer is very necessary. Choose the best RNA isolation method keeping in mind the downstream applications, generally, column-based isolations result in clean and concentrated RNA samples. Downstream applications like sequencing and cDNA synthesis require high-quality RNA, always treat the samples with DNases and check their integrity by running a gel.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Cells primary porcine primary chondrocytes

DNA isolation and purification is the first critical step in sample preparation that helps ensure optimal performance of downstream assays like PCR, microarrays, and sequencing. Failure in yielding high-quality DNA would be the major reason that DNA doesn't work for the downstream application. To circumvent this, one should follow the recommended storage conditions to minimize DNA degradation by nucleases and shouldn't overload the purification system.

DNA DNA isolation / purification Cells Primary cells Mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF)

Get tips on using DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit to perform DNA isolation / purification Cells - Primary cells Rat cortical neurons

Products Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit

When extracting nucleic acids from cell cultures, thorough homogenization of cells via vortexing in lysis buffer is very necessary. Choose the best RNA isolation method keeping in mind the downstream applications, generally, column-based isolations result in clean and concentrated RNA samples. Downstream applications like sequencing and cDNA synthesis require high-quality RNA, always treat the samples with DNases and check their integrity by running a gel.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Cells primary porcine primary airway epithelial cell

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