DNA Ladder 50 bp

DNA ladder is typically used as a reference to estimate the size of unknown DNA samples that are separated based on their mobility in an electrical field. The critical points for running a DNA ladder are compatibility with running buffer, agarose gel percentage, and choosing the correct range of DNA ladder for sizing DNA molecules.

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Upstream tips
Fluorescent 50 bp DNA Ladder consists of 10 DNA fragments ranging from 50 bp to 500 bp
Protocol tips
Recommended Load:5 μl per lane
DNA Ladders with Fluorescent Stain are optimized for direct loading into unstained agarose gels and are recommended for use in combination with Gel Loading Buffer with DNA Stain
Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50 to 500 bp, 100 bp repeats from 600 to 900 bp, and 1 kb repeats from 1 to 3 kb
Protocol tips
Recommended Load: 10μl of the marker should be diluted in gel loading buffer and then loaded in a single lane
Recommended agarose gel concentration is 2.0%.
50 bp DNA Ladder

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50bp to 2500bp
This ladder can be radiolabeled with T4 polynucleotide kinase or T4 DNA polymerase
Protocol tips
Recommended Load: Equal volume of sample and ladder
50 bp DNA Ladder is ideal for separation on 2% agarose gels
E-Gel™ 50 bp DNA Ladder

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50bp to 2500bp
Protocol tips
Recommended Load: Equal volume of DNA sample and DNA ladder
The double-stranded DNA ladder can be visualized on 2% E-Gel agarose gels
Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50bp to 800bp in 50bp increments plus a 1,800bp "backbone" fragment
Protocol tips
Recommended Load: 5μl/lane
Recommended gel percentage range: 2%
Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50bp to 1500bp
Protocol tips
Recommended Load: 5ul/well
Recommended gel percentage: 2%
Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50bp to 1500bp
Protocol tips
Recommended load: 5µl/lane.
Upstream tips
The range of the ladder is 50bp to 1000bp
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