
5 years ago

Live/dead assay Bacteria

Hello everyone! I am going to do a live/dead assay for my cells and I saw that I can use both fluorescence and absorbance as my detection method. Is there a difference in the results depending on the method? Is one method preferred over the other in certain situations?

Experiment: Live / Dead assay bacteria

Top comment

You should be able to get good results with any of the two methods but it mostly depends on the actual kit you are using. Generally, checking the fluorescence is preferred as it is considered a more sensitive method and thus more credible.

Answered 5 years ago


It likely depends on your application. For example trypan blue is excellent for determining percentages of dead cells from live just by microscopy. You can determine live/dead in flow cytometry pretty easily with propidium iodide or other stain. Cell glo is pretty popular for assessing in plate based assays. Lots of options. Depends on whether you are studying apoptotic agents. How much kinetics or quantitation you need. Assessing live dead at end of assay is pretty easy. At beginning of assay much harder.

Answered 4 years ago

You should be able to get good results with any of the two methods but it mostly depends on the actual kit you are using. Generally, checking the fluorescence is preferred as it is considered a more sensitive method and thus more credible.

Answered 5 years ago

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