
- Found 7562 results

Get tips on using pET-28a-chBCO2 to perform Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - E. coli chicken BCO2

Products Earl H. Harrison, Department of Human Nutrition, Ohio State Bioc pET-28a-chBCO2

Get tips on using HeV NCORE pET43.1a to perform Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - E. coli HeV N

Products Lesley A. Pearce, CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship HeV NCORE pET43.1a

Get tips on using pMCSG7-PP-CX to perform Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - E. coli PP-CX

Products György Babnigg, Midwest Center for Structural Genomics, Bioscie pMCSG7-PP-CX

Get tips on using pTRAc/pRIC 3.0 to perform Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - A. tumefaciens BFDV cp

Products Inga I. Hitzeroth, Biopharming Research Unit, Department of Mole pTRAc/pRIC 3.0

Get tips on using pUC19-Pgpd-xyn2-Tgpd to perform Protein Expression Eukaryotic cells - T. reesei xyn2

Products Gang Liu, College of Life Science, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Mi pUC19-Pgpd-xyn2-Tgpd

Get tips on using OmpA-TRAIL/pET-22b to perform Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - E. coli TRAIL

Products Bahram Kazem, Cellular and Molecular Biology Research Center, Sh OmpA-TRAIL/pET-22b

Get tips on using pMmEG(TA)-rhBMP-4 to perform Protein Expression Eukaryotic cells - CHO BMP-4

Products Jaeseung Yoon, Graduate School of Biotechnology, Kyung Hee Unive pMmEG(TA)-rhBMP-4

Get tips on using pIEX-5-6His-mMBP-UMODpXR to perform Protein Expression Eukaryotic cells - HEK293 mMBP

Products Luca Jovine, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Biosciences an pIEX-5-6His-mMBP-UMODpXR

Get tips on using p1.2-Hygro-FSH-B-chain to perform Protein Expression Eukaryotic cells - CHO FSH

Products Ivan I. Vorobiev, Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Bioengineering, I p1.2-Hygro-FSH-B-chain

DNA isolation and purification is the first critical step in sample preparation that helps ensure optimal performance of downstream assays like PCR, microarrays, and sequencing. Failure in yielding high-quality DNA would be the major reason that DNA doesn't work for the downstream application. To circumvent this, one should follow the recommended storage conditions to minimize DNA degradation by nucleases and shouldn't overload the purification system.

DNA DNA isolation / purification Cells Primary cells Rat cortical neurons

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