DNA isolation / purification Tissue - adipose

Isolating DNA from tissues and paraffin-embedded tissue samples can be challenging as double-stranded DNA is physically fragile and highly susceptible to exo- and endonucleases. The best solution is to slice the tissues into smaller pieces and make a homogenate solution (using tissue homogenizer or grinding liquid nitrogen frozen samples) in the presence of DNAse inhibitors. Further, extracting DNA from the nucleus need specific methods by combining physical, mechanical and chemical lysis approaches,

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Downstream tips
- Include RNAse treatment for 15-20 min.
- Ensure EtOH is completely evaporated off of the column prior to elution. Adjust time from 1min to 5 min at 60`C
- Use prewarmed TE buffer to elute the DNA
Downstream tips
- Include RNAse treatment for 15-20 min.
- Ensure EtOH is completely evaporated off of the column prior to elution. Adjust time from 1min to 5 min at 60`C
- Use prewarmed TE buffer to elute the DNA
Downstream tips
- Include RNAse treatment for 15-20 min.
- Ensure EtOH is completely evaporated off of the column prior to elution. Adjust time from 1min to 5 min at 60`C
- Use prewarmed TE buffer to elute the DNA
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