Cas9 sgRNA vector

CRISPR Human - Activation ESR1

CRISPR Human - Activation ESR1
Cas9 sgRNA vector from Addgene

Protocol tips

Upstream tips
To access a plasmid, keep the plate on dry ice to prevent thawing. Using a sterile pipette tip (20uL or 200uL one), puncture the seal above an individual well and spread a portion of the glycerol stock onto an agar plate.

Publication protocol

Generation of Y537S CRISPR knock-in cell lines
MCF7 cells were transfected with a sgRNA CAS9 vector and a donor cassette as a non-digested plasmid at a 2:1 ratio using Fugene (Promega). The gRNA sequence used was ctccagcagcaggtcataga. The donor cassette contained a 800bp and 1kb homology regions for incorporation of the Y537S mutation via homologous directed repair (HDR). Between the homology regions, a Neomycin resistance gene was encoded, which was under the PKG promotor and used for selection of HDR events 48 hours post transfection. After two weeks of selection, single cell clones were generated and screened with ddPCR for evidence of Y537S mutation. The digital droplet PCR was performed (24) using ddPCR primers (cgggttggctctaaagtagt and aatgcgatgaagtagagccc) and specific probes (BHQ_cc{C}ctc{tAt}gacc{t}g_HEX and BHQ_CC{A}CTC{TCT}GAC{C}TG_FAM). The location of the insertion was confirmed using junction PCR with the following primer pairs,




Tide analysis (25) was used to confirm the frame shift mutation of the 2nd ESR1 allele. Targeted locus amplification (TLA) sequencing (26) confirmed the genotype of the 3 ESR1 alleles (A2942C (Y537S) knock-in, inactivating single base insertion knock-out and inactivating 48bp deletion).

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5 years ago

Author: Milena Alexeyeva Russian Federation

DNA insert using CRISPR

I would like to excise a large strand of DNA and insert a new one using CRISPR. My problem is that my strand will be a little over 1kb and I am not sure if this is going to be a limiting factor. Also, how long should the homology arms be for a region of this size?

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Manufacturer protocol

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