8 µm Chemotaxis Assays, 24-Well Format

Cell migration / Invasion cell type - PANC-1

Cell migration / Invasion cell type - PANC-1
8 µm Chemotaxis Assays, 24-Well Format from Cell Biolabs
Cell Biolabs

Protocol tips

Upstream tips
Seed 20,000 cells per well
Protocol tips
Incubate for 2-24 hours in a cell culture incubator.
Downstream tips
Measure the OD 560nm in a
plate reader.

Publication protocol

The three cell lines were seeded onto the top chamber of polycarbonate membrane filter inserts (8 μM pore size) in 6-well plates at a density of 20,000 cells per well in their respective complete media. Using identical treatment groups as for the MTT assay (above), a cell migration assay kit was then used to assess the migratory ability of these cells following the vendor’s instructions. Optical density of cell samples was read at 560 nm using an uQuant Bio-Tek Instrument ELISA reader.

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