CRISPR Mouse - Deletion 3T3-L1 PTRF

CRISPR Mouse - Deletion 3T3-L1 PTRF
PTRF CRISPR/Cas9 KO Plasmid from Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Protocol tips

Upstream tips
If transfecting more than one plasmid (i.e., CRISPR/Cas9 KO Plasmid with HDR Plasmid), mix Plasmid DNA at equivalent ratios.
Protocol tips
Do not add antibiotics to the Plasmid Transfection Medium

Publication protocol

Generation of PTRF null 3T3-L1 stable cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
The PTRF null 3T3-L1 stable cell lines were generated using lentiviral plasmid based CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, in which U6 promoter driven guide RNA, CMV promoter driven cas9 and puromycin selection marker were supplied by one single-vector (all-in-one). Four vectors, including three targets (K1: 5’-TCACGCTCCATATCGTTGAG-3’; K2: 5’-GTCAACGTGAAGACCGTGCG-3’; K3: 5’-GGTCAGCTGGATCTGGTCAA-3’) and one non-targeting control were custom designed and made by Transomic Technologies (Huntsville, AL). Lentivirus were packing used third generation packing system. The stable cell lines were obtained after lentivirus transduction and puromycin selection. These cells were cultured and differentiated as described above.

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5 years ago

Author: Mario Udinese Italy

Floxing mice with CRISPR

Hi everyone! I am planning on floxing mice with CRISPR but I am having trouble deciding which region to target. Do you have any tips on choosing?


5 years ago

Author: Ben Saar Israel

How to choose a region to target for CRISPR

Hi everyone! I am planning on floxing mice with CRISPR but I am having trouble deciding which region to target. Do you have any tips on choosing?

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Manufacturer protocol

Download the product protocol from Santa Cruz Biotechnology for PTRF CRISPR/Cas9 KO Plasmid below.

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