
Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - E. coli rpf-like protein

Protein Expression Prokaryotic cells - E. coli rpf-like protein
pET-32c from R Verma, Bacteriology and Mycology Division, Mycobacteria Labora
R Verma, Bacteriology and Mycology Division, Mycobacteria Labora

Protocol tips

Protocol tips
The purified product was ligated into pET-32c expression vector and transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS strain using the protocols as given by Sambrook and Russell, 2001.[13]

Publication protocol

Different sets of primers with restriction (RE) sites at their 5' end were designed and synthesised to facilitate directional cloning of PCR products into expression vector. The sequences of these primers with RE sites are: Forward primer (Bam HI and Sal I) 5'-CGC GGA TCC GTC GAC GGC GAA TGG GAT CAG GTA GC-3' and Reverse primer (Hind III and Pst I) 5'-CCC AAG CTT CTG CAG GGG GAA TCC GGT GGG GTT AG-3'. PCR amplification of the gene for rpf-like protein 210 was carried out as described previously. The gel-purified product was digested with Bam HI and Hind III RE enzymes to create cohesive ends for these enzyme sites. The purified product was ligated into pET-32c expression vector and transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS strain using the protocols as given by Sambrook and Russell, 2001.[13]

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