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Get tips on using Mouse Von Willebrand Factor A2 ELISA Kit (ab208980) to perform ELISA Mouse - vWF-A2

Products Abcam Mouse Von Willebrand Factor A2 ELISA Kit (ab208980)

Get tips on using Human Von Willebrand Factor ELISA Kit (VWF) (ab108918) to perform ELISA Human - VWF-A2

Products Abcam Human Von Willebrand Factor ELISA Kit (VWF) (ab108918)

Get tips on using Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Thyroid Transcription Factor (Concentrate) Clone 8G7G3/1 to perform Immunohistochemistry Human - TTF-1

Products Agilent Technologies Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Thyroid Transcription Factor (Concentrate) Clone 8G7G3/1

RNA siRNA / miRNA gene silencing Human Primary Endometrial Stromal Cells IGFBP1 (Insuline-like growth factor binding protein-1) Lipid

Get tips on using Lipofectamine® 2000 Transfection Reagent to perform siRNA / miRNA gene silencing Human - Primary Endometrial Stromal Cells IGFBP1 (Insuline-like growth factor binding protein-1) Lipid

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific Lipofectamine® 2000 Transfection Reagent

Get tips on using Pre-designed and validated siRNA against gene IGFBP1 to perform siRNA / miRNA gene silencing Human - Primary Endometrial Stromal Cells IGFBP1 (Insuline-like growth factor binding protein-1)

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific Pre-designed and validated siRNA against gene IGFBP1

I would like to excise a large strand of DNA and insert a new one using CRISPR. My problem is that my strand will be a little over 1kb and I am not sure if this is going to be a limiting factor. Also, how long should the homology arms be for a region of this size?

Discussions DNA insert using CRISPR

A standard angiogenic assay involves the autonomous endothelial cell response of self-organization into microvessels, also known as tubes when seeded on a basement membrane matrix in the presence of the appropriate growth factors. However, the component of basement membrane matrix may also affect the tube formation by endothelial cells. Hence it is important to use a standard angiogenesis assay kit or use the same membrane matrix with known composition to standardize the assay conditions.

Cellular assays Angiogenesis assay human HUVEC

A standard angiogenic assay involves the autonomous endothelial cell response of self-organization into microvessels, also known as tubes when seeded on a basement membrane matrix in the presence of the appropriate growth factors. However, the component of basement membrane matrix may also affect the tube formation by endothelial cells. Hence it is important to use a standard angiogenesis assay kit or use the same membrane matrix with known composition to standardize the assay conditions.

Cellular assays Angiogenesis assay human HMVEC

A standard angiogenic assay involves the autonomous endothelial cell response of self-organization into microvessels, also known as tubes when seeded on a basement membrane matrix in the presence of the appropriate growth factors. However, the component of basement membrane matrix may also affect the tube formation by endothelial cells. Hence it is important to use a standard angiogenesis assay kit or use the same membrane matrix with known composition to standardize the assay conditions.

Cellular assays Angiogenesis assay human hRMVEC

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