Protein quantification

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Cell cytotoxicity assays measure the ability of certain compounds or chemical mediators to reduce the viability of the cells. The term cell cytotoxicity assay can sometimes be used interchangeably with cell proliferation assay. Healthy living cells can be identified by the use of formazan dyes, protease biomarkers or by measuring ATP content. The formazan dyes are chromogenic products formed by the reduction of tetrazolium salts by dehydrogenases, such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and reductases that are released during cell death. Common tetrazolium salts include INT, MTT, MTS and XTT. Cell cytotoxicity can also be measured by using the SRB and WST-1 assays. These assays can usually be used in a high-throughput fashion and can be quantitated by measuring absorbance, colorimetry or luminescence. All these assays require similar numbers of cell plating at the initiation, a time course of treatment with the cytotoxic agent and at least triplicates for each condition at every point of analysis. Cell shrinkage, plasma membrane blebbing, cell detachment, externalization of phosphatidylserine, nuclear condensation and ultimately DNA fragmentation are well-described features of apoptosis. The assays that rely on cell membrane integrity for their function, may not be able to quantify early apoptosis. Therefore, in order to distinguish early apoptotic vs. late apoptotic or necrotic cells, additional flow cytometry techniques can be used. A combination of Annexin V and PI (propidium iodide) can be used to distinguish early (Annexin V+/PI-) and late apoptotic (Annexin V+/PI+) cells. Sometimes, caspase assays are used in order to differentiate the stages of apoptosis.

Cellular assays Cell cytotoxicity / Proliferation assay cell type MDA-MB-231 breast adenocarcenoma

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have been greatly used for studies on embryonic development and cell differentiation.iPSCs provide a stable source for either self-renewal or differentiation into suitable cells when cultured in a particular environment. Pluripotent cell culture was originally started by deriving cells from inner cell mass (ICM) from pre-implanted blastocysts, these were called embryonic stem cells. These cells after isolation can be grown on traditional extracellular matrices (like mouse embryonic fibroblasts, MEFs) or feeder-free culture systems. DMEM/F12 has been the most commonly used basal media in the culture of pluripotent cells. These cells are cultured at normal atmospheric oxygen levels, 21%, however, some studies have proposed that 4% oxygen tension may be better for hESC growth. Higher D-glucose concentration (4.2g/l) and osmolarity (320mOsm) that mimics the natural environment of embryonic tissue are optimal for the growth of hESCs. Supplements like N2 and/or B-27, in the presence of growth factors like bFGF, have been shown to increase pluripotency of these cells. bFGF, FGF2 and other ligands of receptor tyrosine kinases like IGF are also required or maintain self-renewal ability of these cells. TGFš›ƒ1, by its activation of SMAD2/3 signalling, also represses differentiation of iPSCs. Other compounds like ROCK inhibitors reduce blebbing and apoptosis in these cells to maintain their clonogenicity. However, an inhibitor for LIF (leukaemia inhibitory factor, which is one of the pluripotent genes) has an opposing effect. Therefore, it is important to understand the culture conditions and media composition that affect downstream signalling in hESCs or iPSCs that may lead to their differentiation.

Cell culture media Stem cell culture media Human myogenic progenitor cells

Get tips on using Progerin Antibody (13A4D4): sc-81611 to perform Western blotting Lamin A/C

Products Santa Cruz Biotechnology Progerin Antibody (13A4D4): sc-81611

Get tips on using CD133 (Prominin-1) Monoclonal Antibody (13A4), APC, eBioscienceā„¢ to perform Immunohistochemistry Mouse - CD133

Products eBioscience CD133 (Prominin-1) Monoclonal Antibody (13A4), APC, eBioscienceā„¢

Get tips on using CD133 (Prominin-1) Monoclonal Antibody (13A4), APC, eBioscienceā„¢ to perform Flow cytometry Anti-bodies Human - CD133

Products eBioscience CD133 (Prominin-1) Monoclonal Antibody (13A4), APC, eBioscienceā„¢

Transfection is a powerful technique that enables the study of the function of genes and gene products in cells. Based on the nature of experiments, we may need a stable DNA transfection in cells for persistent gain-of-function or loss-of-function of the target gene. For stable transfection, integration of a DNA vector into the chromosome is crucial which requires selective screening and clonal isolation. By carefully selecting a viral delivery system and related reagents we can ensure safe and highly-efficient delivery of expression constructs for high-level constitutive or inducible expression in any mammalian cell type.

DNA DNA transfection Mammalian cells Primary cells Human prenatal cardiac progenator cells

Get tips on using LipofectamineĀ® 2000 Transfection Reagent to perform DNA transfection Mammalian cells - Primary cells Human prenatal cardiac progenator cells

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific LipofectamineĀ® 2000 Transfection Reagent

DNA damage assay is a standard method for determining in-vivo/in-vitro genotoxicity by measuring the breaks in the DNA chain of animal and plant cells. Initial DNA damage leads to cell cycle arrest and, at the final stages, leads to induction of senescence or cell death (apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy, or mitotic catastrophe). Detection of DNA damage from mild to moderate to severe is challenging when studying genotoxicity in the pool of cells. It is favorable to use DNA damage assay kits available for prominent identification of the extent of damage in the analysis.

Cellular assays DNA Damage Assay U266

DNA damage assay is a standard method for determining in-vivo/in-vitro genotoxicity by measuring the breaks in the DNA chain of animal and plant cells. Initial DNA damage leads to cell cycle arrest and, at the final stages, leads to induction of senescence or cell death (apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy, or mitotic catastrophe). Detection of DNA damage from mild to moderate to severe is challenging when studying genotoxicity in the pool of cells. It is favorable to use DNA damage assay kits available for prominent identification of the extent of damage in the analysis.

Cellular assays DNA Damage Assay HT1080

DNA damage assay is a standard method for determining in-vivo/in-vitro genotoxicity by measuring the breaks in the DNA chain of animal and plant cells. Initial DNA damage leads to cell cycle arrest and, at the final stages, leads to induction of senescence or cell death (apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy, or mitotic catastrophe). Detection of DNA damage from mild to moderate to severe is challenging when studying genotoxicity in the pool of cells. It is favorable to use DNA damage assay kits available for prominent identification of the extent of damage in the analysis.

Cellular assays DNA Damage Assay HEK 293T

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