Site Directed Mutagenesis (SDM) Hamster Point mutation CHO

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DNA ladder is typically used as a reference to estimate the size of unknown DNA samples that are separated based on their mobility in an electrical field. The critical points for running a DNA ladder are compatibility with running buffer, agarose gel percentage, and choosing the correct range of DNA ladder for sizing DNA molecules.

DNA DNA Ladder 10 bp

DNA ladder is typically used as a reference to estimate the size of unknown DNA samples that are separated based on their mobility in an electrical field. The critical points for running a DNA ladder are compatibility with running buffer, agarose gel percentage, and choosing the correct range of DNA ladder for sizing DNA molecules.

DNA DNA Ladder 25 bp

DNA ladder is typically used as a reference to estimate the size of unknown DNA samples that are separated based on their mobility in an electrical field. The critical points for running a DNA ladder are compatibility with running buffer, agarose gel percentage, and choosing the correct range of DNA ladder for sizing DNA molecules.

DNA DNA Ladder Low Range

Bacterial culture is a process of letting bacteria multiply in a controlled fashion (temperature, humidity, oxygen content or shaking), in a predetermined culture medium (antibiotic resistance to obtain homogenous clones). It is an important step, especially during cloning, as a single cell can be grown homogeneously (on semi-solid or in liquid conditions) to obtain colonies. As mentioned, bacteria can be cultured in broth cultures (Luria broth or LB) or Petri dishes (Agar plates). A specific antibiotic can be added to the broth or agar plates in order to grow bacteria which have the gene insert conferring its resistance to that antibiotic. Following points are necessary to consider for optimal growth conditions: 1. In general, most bacteria grow well at 37C, but there are some strains which require growth temperatures between 25-30C. 2. It is ideal in broth cultures to fill the flask to ⅓ or less of the total flask volume for optimal aerobic growth. 3. Shaking speeds between 140-180 rpm are appropriate to ensure aeration and that the cells are surrounded by fresh media, and do not settle.

Cell culture media Bacterial cell culture media Vibrio cholera

A restriction enzyme or restriction endonuclease is defined as a protein that recognizes a specific, short nucleotide sequence and cuts the DNA only at or near that site, known as restriction site or target sequence. The four most common types of restriction enzymes include: Type I (cleaves at sites remote from a recognition site), Type II (cleaves within or at short specific distances from a recognition site), Type III (cleave at sites a short distance from a recognition site), and Type IV (targets modified DNA- methylated, hydroxymethylated and glucosyl-hydroxymethylated DNA). The most common challenges with restriction digest include- 1. inactivation of the enzyme, 2. incomplete or no digestion, and 3. unexpected cleavage. The enzyme should always be stored at -20C and multiple freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided in order to maintain optimal activity. Always use a control DNA digestion with the enzyme to ensure adequate activity (to avoid interference due to high glycerol in the enzyme). For complete digestion, make sure that the enzyme volume is 1/10th of the total reaction volume, the optimal temperature is constantly maintained throughout the reaction, the total reaction time is appropriately calculated based on the amount of DNA to be digested, appropriate buffers should be used to ensure maximal enzymatic activity, and in case of a double digest, make sure that the two restriction sites are far enough so that the activity of one enzyme cannot interfere with the activity of the other. Star activity (or off-target cleavage) and incomplete cleavage are potential challenges which may occur due to suboptimal enzymatic conditions or inappropriate enzyme storage. To avoid these, follow the recommended guidelines for storage and reactions, and always check for the efficacy of digestion along with purification of digested products on an agarose gel.

Proteins Restriction Enzymes SmaI

A restriction enzyme or restriction endonuclease is defined as a protein that recognizes a specific, short nucleotide sequence and cuts the DNA only at or near that site, known as restriction site or target sequence. The four most common types of restriction enzymes include: Type I (cleaves at sites remote from a recognition site), Type II (cleaves within or at short specific distances from a recognition site), Type III (cleave at sites a short distance from a recognition site), and Type IV (targets modified DNA- methylated, hydroxymethylated and glucosyl-hydroxymethylated DNA). The most common challenges with restriction digest include- 1. inactivation of the enzyme, 2. incomplete or no digestion, and 3. unexpected cleavage. The enzyme should always be stored at -20C and multiple freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided in order to maintain optimal activity. Always use a control DNA digestion with the enzyme to ensure adequate activity (to avoid interference due to high glycerol in the enzyme). For complete digestion, make sure that the enzyme volume is 1/10th of the total reaction volume, the optimal temperature is constantly maintained throughout the reaction, the total reaction time is appropriately calculated based on the amount of DNA to be digested, appropriate buffers should be used to ensure maximal enzymatic activity, and in case of a double digest, make sure that the two restriction sites are far enough so that the activity of one enzyme cannot interfere with the activity of the other. Star activity (or off-target cleavage) and incomplete cleavage are potential challenges which may occur due to suboptimal enzymatic conditions or inappropriate enzyme storage. To avoid these, follow the recommended guidelines for storage and reactions, and always check for the efficacy of digestion along with purification of digested products on an agarose gel.

Proteins Restriction Enzymes SwaI / SmiI

A restriction enzyme or restriction endonuclease is defined as a protein that recognizes a specific, short nucleotide sequence and cuts the DNA only at or near that site, known as restriction site or target sequence. The four most common types of restriction enzymes include: Type I (cleaves at sites remote from a recognition site), Type II (cleaves within or at short specific distances from a recognition site), Type III (cleave at sites a short distance from a recognition site), and Type IV (targets modified DNA- methylated, hydroxymethylated and glucosyl-hydroxymethylated DNA). The most common challenges with restriction digest include- 1. inactivation of the enzyme, 2. incomplete or no digestion, and 3. unexpected cleavage. The enzyme should always be stored at -20C and multiple freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided in order to maintain optimal activity. Always use a control DNA digestion with the enzyme to ensure adequate activity (to avoid interference due to high glycerol in the enzyme). For complete digestion, make sure that the enzyme volume is 1/10th of the total reaction volume, the optimal temperature is constantly maintained throughout the reaction, the total reaction time is appropriately calculated based on the amount of DNA to be digested, appropriate buffers should be used to ensure maximal enzymatic activity, and in case of a double digest, make sure that the two restriction sites are far enough so that the activity of one enzyme cannot interfere with the activity of the other. Star activity (or off-target cleavage) and incomplete cleavage are potential challenges which may occur due to suboptimal enzymatic conditions or inappropriate enzyme storage. To avoid these, follow the recommended guidelines for storage and reactions, and always check for the efficacy of digestion along with purification of digested products on an agarose gel.

Proteins Restriction Enzymes RsrII / CpoI

Generally isolating RNA from Gram-negative bacteria is easy, however keeping your working environment clean and RNase free (use RNase inhibitor) is essential. Some common points to keep in mind: a) Use fresh samples for isolation or store them by freezing in RNA stabilizing buffer until use. b) Choose the bacterial input amounts carefully, to ensure buffer volumes are adequate and not to overload the columns.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Bacteria Gram negative Escherichia coli

Generally isolating RNA from Gram-negative bacteria is easy, however keeping your working environment clean and RNase free (use RNase inhibitor) is essential. Some common points to keep in mind: a) Use fresh samples for isolation or store them by freezing in RNA stabilizing buffer until use. b) Choose the bacterial input amounts carefully, to ensure buffer volumes are adequate and not to overload the columns.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Bacteria Gram negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Generally isolating RNA from Gram-negative bacteria is easy, however keeping your working environment clean and RNase free (use RNase inhibitor) is essential. Some common points to keep in mind: a) Use fresh samples for isolation or store them by freezing in RNA stabilizing buffer until use. b) Choose the bacterial input amounts carefully, to ensure buffer volumes are adequate and not to overload the columns.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Bacteria Gram negative Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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