RNA isolation / purification Tissue - Mouse Lung

Isolating RNA from tissues and paraffin-embedded tissue samples can be challenging due to cross-linking of biomolecules and fragmented nucleic acids. The best solution is to slice the tissues into smaller pieces and make a homogenate solution (using tissue homogenizer or grinding liquid nitrogen frozen samples) in presence of RNAse inhibitors. The homogenization process should be carried out on dry ice to maintain the integrity of RNA.

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Found 2 discussions for this experiment


5 years ago

5 years ago by Paul G. Macon United States

RNA isolation from tissue

How do I extract RNA from animal tissue without using liquid nitrogen? I tried the RNA extraction by using the TRIzol reagent and I homogenize the tissue using polytron homogenizer at room temperature for 30secs is this correct?


5 years ago

5 years ago by Aaron Stege Netherlands

Problem in phase separation after using serum/plasma kit

I used a serum/plasma kit for my serum samples. After the phase separation the samples should have 3 phases: a colourless aqueous phase, a white interphase and a red organic phase. However, in some of my samples there was no aqueous phase unless I wait for an extended period of time. How can I circumvent this problem?

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Found 6 matching solutions for this experiment

Protocol tips
- For RNA to dissolve better and to yeild high levels, preheat elution buffer at 95C.

- Addition of β-mercaptoethanol in lysis buffer can be skipped because the phenol will do the job of nuclease inactivation

- To capture more amount of mRNA, modify the amount of lysis buffer :ethanol (from 1:1 to 1:1.5) during the binding step
Downstream tips
- Do vortex for 2-plus minutes during Acid-Phenol:Chloroform extraction step. This will facilitate the removal of tightly bound proteins typically associated with RNA
Protocol tips
- On-column digestion is preferable

- For high gDNA elimination spin at 6000rpm for 5 min instead of the quick high speed spin
Downstream tips
- Include DNAse treatment for 15-20min.

- Ensure EtOH is completely evaporated off of the column prior to elution. Adjust time from 1min to 5 min at 60`C.

- Use water to elute the RNA that is warmed to ~60`C.
Upstream tips
- For lysis/cell disruption check the protocol beforehand to see which reagents/lab materials are needed
Downstream tips
- Minimal DNA is left over using this kit, however if DNA is undesired an additional RNase free DNase treatment is warranted.
Protocol tips
- To capture a higher amount of mRNA, modify the amount of lysis buffer :ethanol (from 1:1 to 1:1.5) during the binding step.
TRIzol Reagent

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Protocol tips
- For low 260/230 readings the best approach is to try washing sample (precipitation) with ethanol to desalt it.
Upstream tips
- This kit can be used for the isolation of RNA from up to 1x10^6 cells
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