Site Directed Mutagenesis (SDM) Human Point mutation HUVEC

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ROS has a very short half-lives in biological environment as they are influenced by exposure to ambient oxygen. As it is highly reactive and hard to measure care should be taken to ensure the stability of the sample during isolation, preparation, storage, and analysis.

Cellular assays ROS assay cell type human umbelical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)

Get tips on using Targefect-HUVEC to perform DNA transfection Mammalian cells - Primary cells HUVEC

Products Targeting Systems Targefect-HUVEC

Get tips on using jetPEI®-HUVEC to perform DNA transfection Mammalian cells - Primary cells HUVEC

Products Polyplus transfections jetPEI®-HUVEC
Necrosis HUVEC Experiment

Cellular assays Necrosis HUVEC

What is the difference between endothelial cells and HUVEC cells for angiogenesis assay?

Discussions endothelial cells vs HUVEC cells?

Cell cytotoxicity assays measure the ability of certain compounds or chemical mediators to reduce the viability of the cells. The term cell cytotoxicity assay can sometimes be used interchangeably with cell proliferation assay. Healthy living cells can be identified by the use of formazan dyes, protease biomarkers or by measuring ATP content. The formazan dyes are chromogenic products formed by the reduction of tetrazolium salts by dehydrogenases, such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and reductases that are released during cell death. Common tetrazolium salts include INT, MTT, MTS and XTT. Cell cytotoxicity can also be measured by using the SRB and WST-1 assays. These assays can usually be used in a high-throughput fashion and can be quantitated by measuring absorbance, colorimetry or luminescence. All these assays require similar numbers of cell plating at the initiation, a time course of treatment with the cytotoxic agent and at least triplicates for each condition at every point of analysis. Cell shrinkage, plasma membrane blebbing, cell detachment, externalization of phosphatidylserine, nuclear condensation and ultimately DNA fragmentation are well-described features of apoptosis. The assays that rely on cell membrane integrity for their function, may not be able to quantify early apoptosis. Therefore, in order to distinguish early apoptotic vs. late apoptotic or necrotic cells, additional flow cytometry techniques can be used. A combination of Annexin V and PI (propidium iodide) can be used to distinguish early (Annexin V+/PI-) and late apoptotic (Annexin V+/PI+) cells. Sometimes, caspase assays are used in order to differentiate the stages of apoptosis.

Cellular assays Cell cytotoxicity / Proliferation assay cell type HUVEC

Protein isolation is a technique that involves isolation and/ or purification of protein from cells or tissues via chromatography or electrophoresis. The major challenges in protein isolation include: 1. The concentration of proteins in cells is variable and tends to be small for some intracellular proteins. Unlike nucleic acids, proteins cannot be amplified. 2. Proteins are more unstable than nucleic acids. They are easily denatured under suboptimal temperature, pH or salt concentrations. 3. Finally, no generalized technique/protocol can be applied for protein isolation. Proteins may have different electrostatic (number of positively or negatively charged amino acids) or hydrophobic properties. Therefore, protein purification requires multiple steps depending on their charge (a negatively charged resin/column for positively charged proteins and vice-versa), dissolution (using detergents) and unlike in the case of DNA and RNA, instead of using salts, proteins should be isolated by isoelectric precipitation.

Proteins Protein isolation Mammalian cells HUVEC

A gross majority of classical apoptotic attributes can be quantitatively examined by flow cytometry, the preferred platform for rapid assessment of multiple cellular attributes at a single-cell level. However, sample preparation for such flow cytometry-based techniques could be challenging. Cell harvesting by trypsinization, mechanical or enzymatic cell disaggregation from tissues, extensive centrifugation steps, may all lead to preferential loss of apoptotic cells. To overcome this strictly follow manufacturers instruction of the detection kit.

Cellular assays Apoptosis assay cell type HUVEC

As autophagy is a multi-step process which includes not just the formation of autophagosomes, but most importantly, flux through the entire system, including the degradation upon fusion with lysosomes, which makes it quite challenging for detection. There are several methods for detection in mammalian cells, including immunoblotting analysis of LC3 and p62 and detection of autophagosome formation/maturation by fluorescence microscopy, Currently, there is no single “gold standard” for determining the autophagic activity that is applicable in every experimental context, hence it is recommended to go for the combined use of multiple methods to accurately assess the autophagic activity in any given biological setting.

Cellular assays Autophagy assay cell type HUVEC

Cells are sourced from various tissues to grow them in in-vitro conditions. Therefore, cell specific nutrients are important for their survival, maintenance and growth. Determining the appropriate cell culture media is a challenge if you are growing a cell line or a microorganism for the first time. Established cell lines, primary cells, stem cells, bacteria and Yeast all require varied nutrients from basic to complex. Based on the cell type, one can easy find what media and nutrients your peers have used before you try to reinvent the wheel.

Cell culture media Mammalian cell culture media HUVEC

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