ChIP H3K36Me3 Sheep Rat

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The RNA-guided CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease system has revolutionized the genome editing practices. For the most part, the Cas9-mediated genome editing is performed either via nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed repair (HDR) in mammalian cells, However, designing of specific sgRNAs and minimizing off-target cleavage mediated mutagenesis are the major challenges in CRISPR-Cas based genome editing. To circumvent these issues, we can take advantages of many available tools and approaches for sgRNA construction and delivery.

DNA CRISPR Rat Deletion PC12 myosin IIA (Myh9)

ROS has a very short half-lives in biological environment as they are influenced by exposure to ambient oxygen. As it is highly reactive and hard to measure care should be taken to ensure the stability of the sample during isolation, preparation, storage, and analysis.

Cellular assays ROS assay cell type H9c2 rat cardiomyocytes

The RNA interference (RNAi) is used to inhibit gene expression or translation, by neutralizing targeted mRNA molecules. Two types of RNA molecules such as microRNA (miRNA) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) play a central role in RNAi. Few points have to considered to increase the transfection efficiency of siRNA. Always use healthy, actively dividing cells to maximize transfection efficiency. The confluency of cells should be between 50-70%. Always use the most appropriate siRNA concentration to avoid off-target effects and unwanted toxic side effects. Positive and negative controls should be used for each and every experiment to determine transfection efficiency.

RNA siRNA / RNAi /miRNA transfection Rat C6 Lipofectamine

Wound healing assay can be challenging due to inconsistencies and variations while making a wound on the confluent cell monolayer, consequently leads to wounds of varying sizes and widths. Moreover, this assay causes damage to the cells that are at the edge of the wound, which can prevent cell migration into the wound site and healing. The best solution is to use the standard wound healing assay kits using either combs or inserts to make a defined wound field or gap and prevent the well-to-well variation in these assays.

Cellular assays Wound healing assay cell type rat MSC

An alternative to culture-based cell death detection is an assessment of other cell viability indicators using fluorescent dyes, including membrane potential and membrane integrity. Live/Dead assays differentiates live and dead cells using membrane integrity as a proxy for cell viability and are based on a fluorescent staining procedure followed by detection using flow cytometry. However, samples preparation for such flow cytometry-based techniques could be challenging. Cell harvesting by trypsinization, mechanical or enzymatic cell disaggregation from tissues, extensive centrifugation steps, may all lead to preferential loss of apoptotic cells. To overcome this strictly follow manufacturers instruction of the detection kit.

Cellular assays Live / Dead assay mammalian cells rat MSC

An alternative to culture-based cell death detection is an assessment of other cell viability indicators using fluorescent dyes, including membrane potential and membrane integrity. Live/Dead assays differentiates live and dead cells using membrane integrity as a proxy for cell viability and are based on a fluorescent staining procedure followed by detection using flow cytometry. However, samples preparation for such flow cytometry-based techniques could be challenging. Cell harvesting by trypsinization, mechanical or enzymatic cell disaggregation from tissues, extensive centrifugation steps, may all lead to preferential loss of apoptotic cells. To overcome this strictly follow manufacturers instruction of the detection kit.

Cellular assays Live / Dead assay mammalian cells rat cardiomyocytes

RNA-Seq is a method to sequence RNA by applying Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). The quality of RNA is critical for the success of RNA-Seq. The integrity of RNA is measured by the RNA integrity number (RIN). RIN is computed from RNA electrophoresis and electropherogram profiles (the peak area of the 28S rRNA should be approximately twice the peak area of the 18S rRNA). If you get the RIN value lower than 7, the possibility of getting the low quality of RNA-seq data is high. To get a high quality RNA, it is better to work with fresh samples or snap-freeze the tissues in liquid nitrogen as quickly as possible and store them at -80°C until further use. Make sure designated areas and all your filter tips, microfuge tubes, plastic, and glassware are RNase-free.

RNA RNA sequencing Rat INS-1 832/13

As autophagy is a multi-step process which includes not just the formation of autophagosomes, but most importantly, flux through the entire system, including the degradation upon fusion with lysosomes, which makes it quite challenging for detection. There are several methods for detection in mammalian cells, including immunoblotting analysis of LC3 and p62 and detection of autophagosome formation/maturation by fluorescence microscopy, Currently, there is no single “gold standard” for determining the autophagic activity that is applicable in every experimental context, hence it is recommended to go for the combined use of multiple methods to accurately assess the autophagic activity in any given biological setting.

Cellular assays Autophagy assay cell type Rat brain homogenate

Get tips on using APC Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G and Ly-6C to perform Flow cytometry Anti-bodies Mouse - Ly6C/Gr-1/Ly6G

Products BD Biosciences APC Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-6G and Ly-6C

The process of RNA extraction from bacteria, in general, involves an RNA-protective, effective lysis of bacterial cell wall (which may pose difficulties). EDTA promotes loss of outer membrane to provide lysozyme with access to peptidoglycan. Another common method for cell wall lysis is mechanical disruption using a homogenizer (applied for gram-positive bacteria and some strains of gram-negative bacteria). Following lysis, it is necessary to disrupt protein-nucleic acid interactions, which can be achieved by adding sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Next step involves using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction, where RNA can be obtained from the bottom organic phase, the top phase consists of DNA and the interphase contains proteins. Isoamyl alcohol is an inert and optional addition to this mixture and is added as an anti-foaming reagent to reduce the interphase. Following RNA extraction, the samples should be checked for its quality by gel electrophoresis (23S and 16S rRNAs and 5s rRNA and tRNA bands) or UV spectrophotometric or fluorescence methods.

RNA RNA isolation / purification Tissue Rat Spinal cord

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