Microarray Gene expression arrays Rhesus monkey brain tissue

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The formation of DNA from an RNA template using reverse transcription leads to the formation of double-stranded complementary DNA or cDNA. The challenges with this process include 1. Maintaining the integrity of RNA, 2. Hairpin loops or other secondary structures formed by single-stranded RNA can also affect cDNA synthesis, and 3. DNA-RNA hybrids, which may result when the first strand of cDNA is formed. For the first challenge, using workflows that involve proper isolation and storage of RNA, and maintaining a nuclease-free environment helps obtain RNA with ideal 260/230 ratios. Using a reverse transcriptase that can tolerate high temperatures (50-55oC), overcomes obstacles imposed by secondary RNA structures. Finally, RNase H has the ability to hydrolyze RNA before the formation of a second cDNA strand. It is important to ensure that RNase H activity is optimal because higher RNase H activity leads to premature degradation of the RNA template. Many reverse transcriptases offer built-in RNase H activity.

RNA cDNA synthesis Tissue

How do I extract RNA from animal tissue without using liquid nitrogen? I tried the RNA extraction by using the TRIzol reagent and I homogenize the tissue using polytron homogenizer at room temperature for 30secs is this correct?

Discussions RNA isolation from tissue

I have extracted RNA from brain tissue but my RNA concentrations are as low as 5ng/ml with my highest being around 80ng/ml. Will I be able to perform cDNA conversion with concentrations as low as these?

Discussions cDNA conversion with low concentrations

RNA-Seq is a method to sequence RNA by applying Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). The quality of RNA is critical for the success of RNA-Seq. The integrity of RNA is measured by the RNA integrity number (RIN). RIN is computed from RNA electrophoresis and electropherogram profiles (the peak area of the 28S rRNA should be approximately twice the peak area of the 18S rRNA). If you get the RIN value lower than 7, the possibility of getting the low quality of RNA-seq data is high. To get a high quality RNA, it is better to work with fresh samples or snap-freeze the tissues in liquid nitrogen as quickly as possible and store them at -80°C until further use. Make sure designated areas and all your filter tips, microfuge tubes, plastic, and glassware are RNase-free.

RNA RNA sequencing Rat Trigeminal ganglia tissue

Get tips on using Tissue or Cell Total Protein Extraction Kit to perform Protein isolation Tissue - Lamb muscle tissue

Products Sangon Biotech Tissue or Cell Total Protein Extraction Kit

Get tips on using T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent to perform Protein isolation Tissue - Mouse prostate tissue

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent

Get tips on using T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent to perform Protein isolation Tissue - Mouse liver tissue

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent

Get tips on using T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent to perform Protein isolation Tissue - Mouse lung tissue

Products Thermo Fisher Scientific T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent

Protein isolation is a technique that involves isolation and/ or purification of protein from cells or tissues via chromatography or electrophoresis. The major challenges in protein isolation include: 1. The concentration of proteins in cells is variable and tends to be small for some intracellular proteins. Unlike nucleic acids, proteins cannot be amplified. 2. Proteins are more unstable than nucleic acids. They are easily denatured under suboptimal temperature, pH or salt concentrations. 3. Finally, no generalized technique/protocol can be applied for protein isolation. Proteins may have different electrostatic (number of positively or negatively charged amino acids) or hydrophobic properties. Therefore, protein purification requires multiple steps depending on their charge (a negatively charged resin/column for positively charged proteins and vice-versa), dissolution (using detergents) and unlike in the case of DNA and RNA, instead of using salts, proteins should be isolated by isoelectric precipitation.

Proteins Protein isolation Tissue Mouse aorta

Protein isolation is a technique that involves isolation and/ or purification of protein from cells or tissues via chromatography or electrophoresis. The major challenges in protein isolation include: 1. The concentration of proteins in cells is variable and tends to be small for some intracellular proteins. Unlike nucleic acids, proteins cannot be amplified. 2. Proteins are more unstable than nucleic acids. They are easily denatured under suboptimal temperature, pH or salt concentrations. 3. Finally, no generalized technique/protocol can be applied for protein isolation. Proteins may have different electrostatic (number of positively or negatively charged amino acids) or hydrophobic properties. Therefore, protein purification requires multiple steps depending on their charge (a negatively charged resin/column for positively charged proteins and vice-versa), dissolution (using detergents) and unlike in the case of DNA and RNA, instead of using salts, proteins should be isolated by isoelectric precipitation.

Proteins Protein isolation Tissue Mouse heart

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